Planning a Trip to Australia? Make Sure You Have These Five Essentials With You

Australia is a dream travel destination for a number of people. The country is unlike any other, and with its wildlife, attractions, world-class beaches, and amazing climate, it is easy to see why. But if you are planning a trip down under, then you want to make sure that you’re doing all you can to make the most of it. So here are some essentials that you need for a trip to Australia (or things that you should source as soon as you land).

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By Shalom Jacobovitz – SJ1_8558, CC BY-SA 2.0, Photo Credit


Can you even talk about Australia without mentioning surfing? Which is why getting a surfboard is a must. There will be some to hire if you can’t get your own when you’re out there. If you are quite into surfing and watersports, then it could be worth looking to buy a tourniquet surfboard so that you have an added level of safety with it. You’ll just need to check with your airline that you can get it there and back again!


It goes without saying that you’re going to need money for your trip. But having an understanding of how it works is a good idea. The currency is the Australian dollar, but it has a rate unlike the US dollar, for example. Plus, you have to think about how much things cost. In some ways, Australia can be a pretty cheap place to travel to. But in other ways, the costs can really add up. A beer can be around $7, to put things into perspective, and so you can think about the kind of spending money you will need to have.

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Photo Credit Pexels

Sun Protection

Even in the winter months, the temperatures in Australia can be pretty high. But when it does come to spring and summer, you really need to think about keeping safe in the sun. A sunscreen with a high factor is a good idea, as well as a hat and sunglasses. If you’re going to be out on the water a lot, then getting rash vests that can act as a cover up is a good idea too.

Travel Insurance

Getting travel insurance is a must for any vacation, but especially if you are going as far-flung as somewhere like Australia. Not only will medical care cost you quite a bit, there are plenty of things in Oz that you won’t be used to or could be harmful to you. Bugs, spiders, and snakes could be poisonous, for instance, as well as taking part in things like scuba diving or skydiving. These kinds of sports and hobbies are popular in Australia, so you may be tempted to do one. Just make sure that you’re covered with your insurance.

A Plan

Coming to Australia with a plan is a must. It can be a great place to explore, so knowing what you want to see and do is a a good idea. One day you could be on the beach, then next in a rainforest, and the next in the outback. Make a plan and you’ll be ready for anything!

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Tips for Trip Success

Book Your Flight
Find an inexpensive flight by using Kayak, a favorite of ours because it regularly returns less expensive flight options from a variety of airlines.

Book Your Hotel or Special Accommodation
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You Need Travel Insurance!
Good travel insurance means having total peace of mind. Travel insurance protects you when your medical insurance often will not and better than what you get from your credit card. It will provide comprehensive coverage should you need medical treatment or return to the United States, compensation for trip interruption, baggage loss, and other situations.Find the Perfect Insurance Plan for Your Tripimage 9133145 14418597

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Monday 6th of August 2018

This is surely are some of the important things you need to bring when you travel. Thank you for the advice.

Fit For Flying and Healthy On Holiday: Your Guide To Smooth Travels This Summer | Passing Thru

Wednesday 21st of March 2018

[…] and a different way of life, so you’re anxious that your healthy lifestyle will start suffering. Planning a trip and going away doesn’t need to be stressful; as long as you have a clear check list of what you […]