Luke Ramsay

Explore the Globe in 80 Days: The American Traveler’s Ultimate Train Journey

In August 2024, Railbookers will launch an unprecedented 80-day luxury train journey across four continents, utilizing eight of the world’s most iconic trains. Starting in Vancouver and priced at $113,599 per person, this trip offers an exclusive exploration of diverse landscapes and cultures, with stops in major cities for excursions and overnight stays.

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Is it Too Late to Save the Planet?

In 2023, the world faced its hottest year on record since 1880, with projections indicating that temperatures will continue to rise. This escalating crisis was underscored at the February UNFCCC meeting in Dubai, where experts emphasized the urgent need to halve global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 to avert catastrophic climate outcomes.

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17 Essential Tips for Affordable Organic Eating While Traveling in the U.S.

Eating organic is often seen as a luxury due to its higher price tag, often detering budget-conscious consumers. But it doesn’t have to. With a few smart strategies, even those on a tight budget can incorporate organic foods into their diet.

Read More about 17 Essential Tips for Affordable Organic Eating While Traveling in the U.S.