Cabin Pressure Failure: What You Need to Know About Decompression Sickness on Flights

The FAA is currently investigating a Delta Air Lines flight that recently experienced a cabin pressure issue, raising concerns about decompression sickness among passengers. This investigation is a reminder that while air travel is safe, cabin pressure issues can lead to serious health risks if not properly managed.

What is Decompression Sickness?

Decompression sickness, also known as “the bends,” occurs when the body experiences a sudden drop in pressure, causing nitrogen bubbles to form in the bloodstream. This can lead to symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to severe health complications, including joint pain, dizziness, and even neurological issues.

How Does It Happen on a Flight?

At cruising altitude, airplanes maintain cabin pressure that simulates being at a lower altitude, typically around 6,000 to 8,000 feet. If cabin pressure drops unexpectedly—like it did on the Delta flight—passengers are at risk of developing decompression sickness. The rapid change in pressure can prevent the body from adjusting properly, leading to potentially dangerous symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms to Watch For

Passengers who experience decompression sickness might feel joint pain, dizziness, extreme fatigue, or even confusion. In more severe cases, it can cause breathing difficulties or loss of consciousness. If these symptoms occur during or after a flight, it’s crucial to seek medical attention immediately.

The Delta Incident: What We Know So Far

According to reports, passengers on the Delta flight were exposed to a cabin pressure drop significant enough to trigger an FAA investigation. Although the exact details are still being uncovered, it’s clear that some passengers may have been at risk for decompression sickness due to the sudden change in pressure.

How Can Passengers Protect Themselves?

While the likelihood of experiencing decompression sickness on a commercial flight is low, it’s still important to know how to protect yourself:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help reduce the risk of decompression sickness, as dehydration makes your body more vulnerable to pressure changes.
  • Move Around: If it’s safe to do so, moving around the cabin and stretching your legs can improve circulation, which helps prevent nitrogen bubbles from forming.
  • Recognize the Signs: If you feel any unusual symptoms during the flight, notify the cabin crew immediately. They are trained to handle in-flight medical issues and can provide oxygen if necessary.

What Happens if You Experience Symptoms?

If you start to notice symptoms of decompression sickness, the cabin crew will likely instruct you to use supplemental oxygen, which helps the body eliminate nitrogen. In more serious cases, passengers may need medical attention immediately after landing, and in some instances, a visit to a hyperbaric chamber might be necessary to fully recover.

The FAA’s Role in Aviation Safety

The FAA takes incidents like this seriously, as cabin pressure issues pose potential risks to passenger safety. Investigations help identify what went wrong and how to prevent similar events from happening in the future. The outcome of this investigation will likely lead to reviews of safety protocols for handling sudden decompression on flights.

The Importance of Oxygen Masks

One of the most important safety tools on an aircraft is the oxygen mask. In the event of a cabin pressure issue, passengers are instructed to immediately put on their masks, which provide oxygen to help stabilize breathing. Remember the golden rule: Always secure your own mask before assisting others, as oxygen is crucial in such situations.

Long-Term Effects of Decompression Sickness

Most people recover from mild decompression sickness without any long-term issues, especially if treated quickly. However, in rare cases, severe incidents can lead to long-term neurological or respiratory problems. That’s why it’s essential to seek medical advice if symptoms persist after landing.

What the Investigation Could Uncover

The FAA’s investigation will look into the causes of the cabin pressure failure, the airline’s response, and whether all safety protocols were followed. Passengers on board may be interviewed, and data from the flight will be analyzed to determine the root cause of the incident.

Moving Forward: What You Need to Know

While this Delta flight incident may seem alarming, it’s important to remember that such events are rare. Air travel remains one of the safest ways to get around, and airlines are required to maintain strict safety standards. However, knowing the risks and being prepared can make a difference if something does go wrong.

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Featured Image Credit: Pexels / Pew Nguyen.

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