Throwing a Coin in the Trevi Fountain Could Soon Come with a Fee

If you’re planning to make a wish at Rome’s iconic Trevi Fountain, you might want to visit sooner rather than later. The historic site, famous for visitors tossing coins into its waters in hopes of good fortune, could soon come with a mandatory entrance fee. The city of Rome is considering imposing a fee to control the overwhelming crowds and help maintain the site, especially as overtourism continues to strain the city’s most popular landmarks.

The Proposed Fee: What We Know

Local officials are exploring an entry fee that would likely be implemented by spring 2025. The €2 fee would help manage crowd control and contribute to the upkeep of the site, which is one of the busiest in Rome. The funds collected would also support conservation efforts to ensure that the Trevi Fountain—with its stunning baroque design—remains preserved for future generations.

Why the Fee Now?

The sheer number of tourists visiting the Trevi Fountain, often crowding around for a chance to toss a coin, has become a major issue for the city. With over 35 million annual visitors, many stopping at the iconic site, the fountain is facing increased wear and tear. Managing the dense crowds has become challenging.  By introducing an entrance fee, the city aims to reduce congestion while generating funds for the fountain’s maintenance.

Impact on Tourism

While many visitors are accustomed to free access to the Trevi Fountain, the proposed entrance fee is part of a broader trend in Europe to combat overtourism. Landmarks like the Venice canals and Barcelona’s Sagrada Familia have already introduced measures like ticketing systems to limit the number of daily visitors. While the fee may deter some, Rome’s officials believe it will enhance the visitor experience by reducing the overwhelming crowds that currently make visiting the site chaotic .

How It Will Work

If the fee system is implemented, visitors will be able to pre-purchase tickets online or through mobile apps, ensuring smoother crowd management. Tourists looking for the quintessential photo opportunity at the Trevi Fountain or wishing to toss a coin for good luck will need to budget for this added cost, on top of the usual expenses of visiting Rome. The new system will also include designated viewing areas to ensure that tourists can still enjoy the beauty of the fountain without contributing to the site’s overuse.

What to Expect

By spring 2025, the new fee system could be in place, with more controlled access to the fountain and potentially shorter lines for those eager to make a wish. It’s worth noting that this move is part of a larger trend in Europe, where cities are increasingly focusing on sustainability and reducing the negative impact of mass tourism.

Bottom Line

While tossing a coin into the Trevi Fountain may soon cost more than just the coin itself, this new fee structure aims to balance tourism with preservation. If you’ve been thinking about visiting Rome, 2024 might be the year to go before the fees take effect.

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Featured Image Credit: Pexels / Jorge Echegaray.

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