Top 8 Safest Countries to Visit in South America in 2024: Where to Go and What’s Changed

Planning a trip to South America? Safety is always a priority, and the rankings have shifted slightly in 2024 compared to last year. Here’s a look at the safest countries on the continent, updated with the most recent Global Peace Index scores.

1. Argentina – Now Ranked Safest

Argentina has risen to the top as the safest country in South America for 2024. While urban areas like Rosario have higher crime rates, the country remains stable overall. Tourists are flocking to Buenos Aires, Patagonia, and Iguazú Falls, drawn by Argentina’s natural beauty and relative peace of mind.

2. Uruguay – A Consistent Contender

Although Uruguay slipped to second place, it still offers a serene and safe environment for travelers. Known for its democratic stability and laid-back atmosphere, it remains a top destination, especially for those seeking tranquil beaches and relaxed urban environments like Montevideo.

3. Chile – Safe for Nature Lovers

Chile continues to be a favorite for nature enthusiasts. Despite some challenges with urban crime in Santiago, its remarkable landscapes, including Patagonia and the Atacama Desert, remain safe. Chile offers a strong healthcare system and modern infrastructure for travelers.

4. Paraguay – Off the Beaten Path

Paraguay holds onto its position as one of South America’s safest countries. Its low crime rates and peaceful atmosphere make it an ideal destination for those looking to explore off-the-beaten-path locations, from its vast wetlands to quiet colonial towns.

5. Suriname – Safe and Diverse

Suriname, one of the smallest countries on the continent, remains a safe and ethnically diverse destination. With its rainforests and colonial architecture in Paramaribo, it offers unique experiences for adventurous travelers.

6. French Guiana – Quiet and Secure

French Guiana, a French overseas department, is known for its tropical rainforests and European safety standards. It continues to rank highly for safety, offering a calm and secure environment for nature lovers.

7. Bolivia – Improving Safety

Bolivia has made strides in improving safety for tourists, though certain regions remain risky. The stunning landscapes of the Salar de Uyuni Salt Flats and Lake Titicaca continue to attract visitors, providing a safe travel experience away from higher-risk areas.

8. Ecuador – Worth the Visit

Ecuador has faced some political unrest and crime, but tourist hotspots like the Galápagos Islands and Quito’s Old Town remain relatively safe. With the proper precautions, it’s still a fantastic destination for nature and adventure enthusiasts.

For more detailed information on each country, check out the full guide from Passing Thru, which compares safety rankings from 2023.

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Featured Image Credit: Pexels / Jeisser Morales.

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