3 Tips for Feeling at Home When You Are Always on the Go

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For many people, the idea of being able to live on the open road, constantly experiencing new destinations from day to day, is truly a dream and a lifelong ambition.

It’s easy to see why, too. Living a nomadic lifestyle allows you to be constantly experiencing new things, expanding your horizons, refining your own sense of how the world works, and adding brilliant new chapters to the book of your life on a regular basis.

Of course, living a nomadic life isn’t entirely without its downsides. For one thing, people with a more “rooted” living situation can always contact companies like Visio Lending to begin the process of buying a house, in order to then begin building a home that becomes more comfortable, familiar, and distinct with every passing year.

For many nomads, that feeling of “being at home” is ever-lacking. So, here are a few tips for feeling “at home” when you are always on the go.

Seek familiarity in your daily rituals and habits

If you can’t wake up in the same place every day – never mind the same house every day – then it makes sense that you need to get your feeling of “familiarity” and “comfort” from things that are a bit more ephemeral and abstract.

The key way to experience these sensations while on the road, is generally going to be by focusing on your daily rituals and habits, and keeping those as consistent as you can, from place to place, and day-to-day.

If you always have a ritual of writing an entry in your journal before bed and doing some quick meditation, or saying a quick affirmation, in the morning, then your day will always feel somewhat “familiar” and “book-ended,” even as you enjoy a life of ongoing adventure.

Keep a journal

A journal is an excellent way of maintaining a sense of familiarity and consistency from day to day, because it will not only serve as an “anchor” as you write in it, but it will also begin to take the place of “familiar psychological territory.”

When you look over your journal entries, that feeling of familiarity will always be there. Likewise, as you fill in your new entries, you will have the sense of occupying a consistent “terrain” – just not a physical one.

Travel with someone close to you

If the actual houses we inhabit contribute dramatically to how “at home” we feel, then the people we live with undoubtedly contribute even more to that feeling.

Travelling alone can, among other things, be lonely. Often, having someone you care about on the road with you – especially if that person is your significant other – will make the entire travel experience far brighter, more exciting, and more memorable in all the best ways.

In addition to all of that, you will always have a bit of “home” with you, and will be able to enjoy familiar company regardless of which strange, new, and exotic locales you eventually find yourself in.

An adventure shared is an adventure magnified, so before you start your new globetrotting life, maybe you should think about who you might take on the road with you.

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