Some Modern Promotional Means

Any company needs marketing methods for promotion, whether it sells goods or provides
rental services. For example, you own car rental services in Dubai. If you want to attract
people who want to rent a car to your company, and not to your competitors, then your car
rental company should somehow stand out. In order for the rental business to bring you
more customers, you need to use digital marketing and advertising.

1. Content marketing

Content marketing is information received by your potential buyer at the right time and in the right place. This means that it is not enough to offer your lead a quality product at the best price. Your task is to provide him with material explaining that your product meets certain criteria and, therefore, will suit a particular person. 

2. Social Media Marketing

The modern social media marketing strategy is based on social inclusion, which is its key element, since it is based on the technology of combining digital technologies and personal communication with the consumer by creating interaction through the physical and digital worlds between brands and consumers, in order to identify the needs and preferences of the individual, including his social and personal relationships.

blue red and green letters illustrated
Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

3. Email Marketing

One of the most important mailing rules is “brevity – the sister of talent”. A clearly formulated offer with a benefit for the client and instructions for further actions, as well as a limitation on the duration of the discount, is the key to success for any advertising campaign.

4. Display Advertising

This is a type of paid online advertising that combines text, images, and a URL that leads to a website where a customer can learn more about the company or buy its products. Online display advertising is found on websites, applications, and social networks.

5. Video Marketing

Video marketing is an activity aimed at formulating people’s needs for a product using video. In other words, you create videos in which you tell people about your products, services, thereby making sales. Most people are far more willing to watch a beautifully edited video than to read a ton of dry text.

silhouette of director and producer lining up a cshot
Photo by Natalie Parham on Unsplash

You can create a video that your audience will watch, thereby attracting hundreds of customers. 

Just imagine, having a personal salesperson who works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and does not ask for a salary! Do you think this is a myth? Video marketing can essentially become your personal salesperson who always works for you.

6. Affiliate Marketing

The essence of the approach is to place ads not on any site, but on certain ones. Who
defines them? A large number of sites are united in an affiliate network. Their benefit is to receive interest. For each order paid through a site that is part of the affiliate network, the
advertiser is ready to pay a portion of the order’s amount.

7. Influencer Marketing

The name already hints to us that we are talking about some people who are able to convince other people with their authority. Most of these people can be found on social media. They have a specific audience for which such a blogger is well known. The method of promoting your company’s product in this way is quite fresh and effective. This can be explained by the fact that consumers have been tired of banners and other obvious advertising for so many years that they usually scroll through it with anger. Even if it is done brightly and with high quality, an authoritative person is more likely to have a stronger influence. 

woman with headphones holding camera equipment
Photo by Jana Shnipelson on Unsplash

8. Native Advertising

The trick of this method is that it adapts to the platform format (website, social network,
messenger) and to the expectations of the target audience. Thus, the person who sees it
does not notice the obsessive offer. For him, it’s just a piece of information. It may contain
useful information or even be entertaining.

9. Remarketing

Remarketing involves targeting users who have previously interacted with a company’s
website or other digital channels in order to encourage them to make a purchase. This may
include displaying ads to users who have added items to their shopping cart but have not
completed their checkout, visited certain pages on the website. Remarketing can be a very
effective way to convert users who simply got carried away and forgot to complete the

In conclusion, nowadays, the methods of advertising and promotion are diverse. We can say that they are all effective in their own way. You need to analyse specifically your business and determine which one will be more suitable. But most likely, it is better to use an integrated approach.

Also, the option you need to choose depends on whether your company has just opened
and wants to attract customers, or if you have been in business for a long time and want to
support demand and expand it.

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