The Two Major Steps to Achieve Location Independence to Travel the World

Many people aspire to embracing their wanderlust, exploring the world, and living free of the stresses of office life. After a certain point, though, it can be tough to pivot from a “normal” life in society, with responsibilities and bills limiting your scope. So, it’s good to have goals and to know how to start on the journey to achieving those goals.


To become location independent, just as we did, you need to take two major steps: work your way into a flexible online job and enable yourself to detach from your property. Here’re some ways that you can get started on enabling a life of location independence.

Understanding that location independence still requires you to work

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Photo by Ostap Senyuk on Unsplash

As described by Medium, being location independent is about living and working on your own terms. Naturally, you’ll still need to work to earn enough money to travel wherever you want to, buy food, and rent a place to stay. The key is to work yourself into a job that’ll allow you to go to a new location whenever you see fit, making any job that takes in-person attendance a non-viable option.

Sent into the mainstream in 2020, remote work is becoming increasingly accepted by companies. With video call services and other online tools to help organize the workforce, businesses are accepting the more cost-effective method of employment. Or, of course, you could establish yourself as a freelance worker in one of the many bustling freelance markets already established online.

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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

If you’re aiming to start afresh as a freelancer, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to run the new exploit alongside a current job so that you can build a name for yourself while still earning an income. First, though, you’ll need to work out which online jobs to work into. There are many good-paying jobs that you can do from anywhere, including animator, blogger, consulting, data entry, copywriting, and short task specialist.

Becoming independent from your current location

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Image by mastersenaiper from Pixabay

Ensuring that your career doesn’t tie you to any specific location is the first step; the next step is to make sure that you’re independent of your location. If you’re a homeowner, pulling up your roots is tricky, but if you play your cards right, you could even use your current living situation to save money for your new lifestyle while also making it your source of income.

If you own your property, your largest monthly outgoing is most likely to be your mortgage. So, to enable you to begin to put a decent chunk of cash to one side for your first trip out, turn to Trussle for free and professional mortgage advice on refinancing. Doing this could save you hundreds of dollars each month, which you can put towards making your first spell of having location independence one of exploration. As the application only takes 15 minutes, it’s well worth the time spent as you may find a deal that saves you money.

While you can sell your property to pay off the rest of your mortgage and have some cash leftover to commence your new lifestyle, it might be better to keep the property. If you continue making mortgage payments at the lowest possible rates, you could then make more income by renting out the property. The rent would almost certainly cover your mortgage as well as offer you a steady income. Furthermore, you’d have a safety net at the ready should the location independence not work for you.

Changing your whole lifestyle is a tremendous step to take, and it will take time to prepare for, but it can also be incredibly rewarding and enriching.

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