For Travelers Who Love to Read: Join the Ticket to Read Book Challenge

A fun new way for travelers who love to read: Find and share new books and connect with like-minded readers who love to travel: the Ticket to Read Book Challenge!

ticket to read book challengeMany of today’s travelers first awakened their wanderlust in the pages of a book. Many more, like ourselves, are inspired to visit destinations or replicate journeys they’ve read about. Some, if not most, return to certain titles and authors to rekindle their influence or create the next itinerary. This is the spirit in which we announce a new collaborative effort with our favorite blogging colleagues: the Ticket to Read Book Challenge.

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The Ticket to Read Book Challenge

Travelers who love to read are constantly on the lookout for the next book. We love to be introduced to a new genre or deep dive into an ongoing theme. Perhaps you’ve made an informal resolution to “read more” in the coming year. If so, join us in the challenge!

Tip: Download the Ticket to Read Book Challenge reading list here.

The last thing anyone needs is more pressure, so we’ve designed the Ticket to Read Book Challenge in minimalist fashion. If you’ve never participated in a book challenge before, or even if you’ve participated in others, we think you’ll find this one a little bit different, and way more fun!

Here’s all you do: Aim to read two books per month on topics per the Ticket to Read Reading List. There’s no sequence; just pick the topic that appeals to you most. There’s a basic list of 24 topics (2 per month) and an advanced list of an additional 6 topics. You can start with the advanced list and zig zag back and forth throughout the year. Read as many books as you like; maybe try a new author or a book you wouldn’t normally choose.

For those of you who are members of the Goodreads social media platform, we’d welcome you to join us in the Ticket to Read Book Challenge Group there. We’ll be uploading our current reads by topic to share and discuss with other members on a very informal basis.

Tip: There’s no formal requirement with this Book Challenge to do anything except read as much as you want to.

First Selection for the Ticket to Read Book Challenge

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For my first book, I chose topic #2 on the list: A Book Which Takes Place in a Destination You’d Like to Visit. My selection is The Mistresses of Cliveden: Three Centuries of Scandal, Power, and Intrigue in an English Stately Home.

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This book is historical biography – a genre I enjoy – done in miniature. It chronicles the strong, powerful women associated with Cliveden, one of the stately “Great Houses” of Britain, during its first 300 years. Dating from the mid-17th century, the house was originally built by the Duke of Buckingham for his mistress, and then rebuilt after a fire in the 19th century. It has been home to many titled personages, including a Prince of Wales.

Most interestingly, in the 1920s and 30s, it was the base for an intellectual salon run by Lady Nancy Astor. And, not to be outdone, in the 1960s it would be the setting for the notorious Profumo scandal featuring a Cabinet member, a 19-year old actress, and Russian spies. The book promises 300 years of misbehavior. As a fan of Downton Abbey, the Crown, and other series, I’d love to visit the Great Houses, and Cliveden would certainly be on the list!

Recap: How to Join the Ticket to Read Book Challenge

  1. Visit our Travel Reading List homepage for a complete explanation and our bios.
  2. Download the Ticket to Read Book Challenge Reading List.
  3. Join the Ticket to Read Book Challenge Goodreads Group, if you like.
  4. Choose a book that aligns with a topic, and start reading!

Tip: If you’re looking for recommendations, check out Authors and Books that Inspire Travel: A Bookworm’s Guide.

Feel free to let us know in the comments or the Goodreads group what you’re reading and what you recommend!

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