English Teacher Pay in Mexico: What You Need to Know

Teaching English in Mexico can be a rewarding experience, both professionally and personally, as it allows you to not only contribute to the educational sector but offers an unparalleled opportunity to immerse in the vibrant culture of Latin America.

While the demand for English teachers in Mexico is high, it is important to understand the nuances of considering this as a career and what to expect in terms of salary, benefits and cost of living.


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Image Credit: Shutterstock / toxxiiccat

The teaching salary in Mexico for English teachers varies significantly based on factors like location, institution, and the teacher’s qualifications.

On average, one can expect to earn between $400 and $1000 per month. This may seem modest compared to other Western destinations, but the additional benefits, like free accommodation, insurance, and paid vacation, more than compensate for the overall package.

Type of institution

Private language schools generally offer better stipends and perks than public schools, where salaries are lower. That said, a public teacher gets better job security and benefits.

University teachers with advanced degrees often get much higher salaries and benefits, while International schools pay the highest in Mexico.

Qualifications and Experience 

Those with a bachelor’s degree plus TEFL/TESOL certification can expect to be paid better than those without any formal experience.

Those teachers who already have several years of experience teaching in Mexico can negotiate for significantly higher pay than others. 


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Image Credit: Shutterstock / archishooting

Teachers in large urban cities like Guadalajara and Mexico City can expect to get higher salaries than their counterparts teaching in rural areas. The only drawback being the high cost of living in big cities.

Additionally, due to the difference in economy, the Northern states of the country offer much better prospects than the Southern states.

Additional perks 

An English teacher, at first, might think that the pay offered is modest, many teaching positions offer extra benefits that prove quite substantial in the long run.

Housing allowance or free accommodation 

Some institutions provide housing stipends or free accommodation that can significantly reduce the cost of living expenses. 

Health insurance 

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / REDPIXEL.PL

As a part of the employment package, nearly all schools include insurance to make sure the teaching staff has access to affordable medical care. 

Paid holidays and paid leave 

Apart from National Holidays, teachers can encash any left-over casual leave and also enjoy paid vacations from time to time with the family.

Cost of living 

The cost of living in Mexico is much lower than other Western countries, which makes it viable for a teacher to live in Mexico quite comfortably.

Rent for a single bedroom apartment in the city ranges between $250-$500 while a similar apartment in the suburb can be much cheaper.

Eating out is affordable, and the monthly grocery bill is often around $100-$200. Public transport cost for a monthly pass is between $15-$25. Ride-sharing and taxis are also available.

Work environment 

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / Marcos Castillo

English teachers work between 20-30 hours a week, leaving enough time for personal pursuits and entertainment.

Mexico also offers opportunities for further career development through workshops and other educators.

By understanding the salary landscape, it can be safely assumed that teaching English in Mexico can be a fulfilling career.

The post English Teacher Pay in Mexico: What You Need to Know? first appeared on Passing Thru.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Moy Ortega.

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